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Syllabus for AP Treasury and Accounts Service Asst Treasury Officer/Asst Accounts Officer

AP Treasury and Accounts Service Asst Treasury Officer/Asst Accounts Officer Syllabus 

The syllabus for the Andhra Pradesh Treasury and Accounts Service Assistant Treasury Officer/Assistant Accounts Officer exam is designed to evaluate a candidate’s knowledge and skills in financial management, accounting, auditing, and governance. The exam typically includes a preliminary examination, a main examination, and an interview/personality test. Below is a comprehensive syllabus outline:

Preliminary Examination

The Preliminary Exam is usually objective type (multiple-choice questions) and consists of two papers:

Paper I: General Studies & Mental Ability

Current Affairs:

  • National and international events, important developments in politics, economy, science, technology, and sports.

Indian History & Culture:

  • Ancient, Medieval, and Modern History with emphasis on the Indian National Movement and the socio-cultural history of Andhra Pradesh.

Indian Polity:

  • Constitution of India, political system, governance, public policy, rights issues, and Panchayati Raj.

Indian Economy & Planning:

  • Economic development, poverty alleviation, economic reforms, and the impact of globalization, with special reference to Andhra Pradesh.


  • Physical, social, and economic geography of India, including Andhra Pradesh’s geography, natural resources, and environmental issues.

General Science:

  • Basic concepts of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and recent developments in science and technology.

Logical Reasoning & Analytical Ability:

  • Puzzles, analogies, coding-decoding, blood relations, syllogisms, and other reasoning abilities.

Data Interpretation:

  • Interpretation of data through tables, graphs, charts, and basic statistical analysis.

Disaster Management:

  • Concepts, vulnerability profile of India and Andhra Pradesh, preventive and mitigation strategies, and the role of NGOs and community participation.

Paper II: Aptitude


  • Reading comprehension passages and answering related questions.

Interpersonal Skills:

  • Communication skills, team-building, and other interpersonal skills relevant to public administration.

Logical Reasoning and Analytical Ability:

  • Similar to Paper I but with an emphasis on higher-order reasoning skills.

Decision Making and Problem Solving:

  • Questions assessing the ability to make sound decisions in various administrative situations.

Main Examination

The Main Examination is typically descriptive and consists of several papers. Below is the general structure:

Paper I: General Essay

Sections: This paper generally includes three sections covering different aspects:

  • Current Issues: Topics related to national and international importance.
  • Social Issues: Essays on social problems, cultural values, gender issues, and education.
  • Economic Issues: Essays on economic growth, planning, employment, poverty, and economic reforms.

Paper II: History, Culture, and Geography

  • Indian History: Comprehensive study of Ancient, Medieval, and Modern history, with emphasis on the Indian National Movement.
  • Culture: Art, architecture, literature, and cultural heritage of India, with a focus on Andhra Pradesh.
  • Geography: Physical, economic, and social geography of India, with a detailed focus on Andhra Pradesh’s geography.

Paper III: Polity, Constitution, Governance, Law, and Ethics

  • Indian Polity & Constitution: Detailed study of the Indian Constitution, political system, public administration, and Panchayati Raj institutions.
  • Governance: Concepts of good governance, transparency, accountability, and the role of civil services in democracy.
  • Law: Basic principles of Indian law, including the Indian Penal Code (IPC), Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC), and laws related to financial management and public administration.
  • Ethics in Public Administration: Ethical considerations in public service, integrity, accountability, and the role of a civil servant in maintaining public trust.

Paper IV: Economy and Development

  • Indian Economy: Economic policies, planning, liberalization, globalization, and key sectors of the Indian economy.
  • Andhra Pradesh Economy: Agriculture, industry, infrastructure, resource management, and economic planning specific to Andhra Pradesh.
  • Public Finance: Taxation, public expenditure, fiscal policies, budgeting, and financial administration.
  • Sustainable Development: Concepts of sustainable development, environmental conservation, and resource management.

Paper V: Financial Management & Accounting

  • Accounting Principles: Fundamental concepts of accounting, bookkeeping, and preparation of financial statements.
  • Government Accounting: Principles and practices of government accounting, including the preparation of government accounts, audit, and financial reporting.
  • Cost Accounting: Concepts of cost accounting, cost analysis, and control, including methods of costing.
  • Financial Management: Basics of financial management, including capital budgeting, financial planning, investment decisions, and financial analysis.
  • Auditing: Principles and procedures of auditing, including internal control systems, audit of government accounts, and performance audits.

Paper VI: Advanced Financial & Treasury Management

  • Public Financial Management: Concepts of public financial management, budgetary control, public expenditure management, and financial accountability.
  • Treasury Management: Principles of treasury management, cash flow management, investment of public funds, and management of government securities.
  • Taxation: Overview of direct and indirect taxation, tax planning, tax administration, and GST.
  • Financial Regulations: Study of financial regulations and guidelines, including FRBM Act, fiscal responsibility, and financial discipline.
  • Risk Management: Concepts of risk management in finance, including risk assessment, risk control, and risk financing.

Interview/Personality Test

Assessment Areas:

  • The interview assesses the candidate’s mental alertness, critical powers of assimilation, clear and logical exposition, balance of judgment, variety and depth of interest, leadership qualities, and intellectual and moral integrity.

Preparation Tips

Syllabus Mastery:

  • Cover all topics comprehensively, focusing on both depth and breadth of the syllabus.

Current Affairs:

  • Stay updated with the latest national and international developments, especially those relevant to financial management and public administration.

Essay Writing Practice:

  • Regularly practice writing essays on diverse topics to improve your writing skills and clarity of thought.

Mock Tests:

  • Attempt mock tests and previous years’ question papers to familiarize yourself with the exam pattern.

Time Management:

  • Create a study plan that allows sufficient time for each subject and regular revisions.


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