Selection Process for JK Police SI Post
Selection Process for JK Police SI Post
The selection criteria shall comprise of the following stages:
1. Written Test:
The candidates shall be subjected to a Written Examination for arriving at the merit. However, candidates in possession of NCC Certificates shall be awarded Bonus Marks as per the provisions in S.O. 290 of 2021 dated 20.08.2021.
2. Physical Standard Test (PST):
The candidates, as per their merit, shall undergo the Physical Standard Test (PST), which shall be of qualifying nature. The number of candidates to be selected for appearing in the PST shall be six times the total number of vacancies to be filled up in each category.
3. Physical Endurance Test (PET):
The candidates, who qualify the PST, shall be required to undergo the Physical Endurance Test (PET). The PET shall be of qualifying nature.
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